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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 49.50
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Total (Incl. GST) :$ 49.50
5 Year Polymeric

These are our 5-year polymeric stickers, our most popular outdoor sticker stock.

Its 5-year lifespan is ideal for long-lasting messages, though we also offer 3-year and 7-year options.
Refer to the chart below to see what will best suit your project!

These stickers use an air-release vinyl, making for easy, bubble-free installation.

50 x 50mm50$ 49.50
100$ 50.60
250$ 52.80
500$ 90.75
1000$ 181.50
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25 x 25mm
50 x 50mm
75 x 75mm
75 x 25mm
90 x 55mm
100 x 100mm
125 x 125mm
188 x 94mm
288 x 75mm